Master of Medicine (Buckingham)
The University of Buckingham

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    Course overview

    The Master of Medicine (MMed) is a comprehensive 3-year medical training programme providing structured postgraduate training in General Medicine leading to the award of a Master of Medicine from The University of Buckingham.

    It is designed to deliver core training for speciality training by the acquisition of knowledge and skills as assessed by the workplace based assessments and the MRCP. The programme is broad-based consisting of four to six placements in medical specialities. These placements must include direct involvement in the acute medical take.

    The key features of the MMed are:

    • Student-led – we will use an ePortfolio to encourage a learner-centred approach with the support of Educational Supervisors. The ePortfolio contains tools to identify educational needs, enables the setting of learning goals, reflective learning and personal development.
    • Competency-based – the curricula outline competencies that trainees must reach by the end of the programme. The curriculum is directly linked to the ePortfolio as it defines standards required for good medical practice and formal assessments including the MRCP exams.
    • Continuation of Good Medical Practice – building on existing training the curriculum contains important emphasis on generic competencies necessary for practice as a physician.
    • Supervision – each student has a series of people with clearly defined roles and responsibilities overseeing their training including Clinical Supervisor, Educational Supervisor, University Tutor, Pathways to Postgraduate Training in Medicine Director, and Dean of Postgraduate Medicine.
    • Appraisal meetings with supervisor – regular appraisal meetings and review of competence progression are set out in the ePortfolio.
    • Dissertation – Literature review 10,000 words.
    • Workplace-based assessments – regular workplace-based assessments are conducted throughout training. These include the Acute Care Assessment Tool (ACAT), Case-Based Discussion (CbD), mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX) and multisource feedback (MSF) with additional assessment methods to assess Audit (AA).
    • MRCP examination – the various parts of our curriculum have been mapped to the MRCP (UK) curriculum and this provides a knowledge base assessment.

    The current training hospitals are Milton Keynes University Hospital, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals and University Hospital of North Durham.

    We encourage candidates to obtain MRCP.

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