International Tourism and Aviation Management MA (West London)
University of West London

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    Course overview

    Would you like to enhance your career prospects in aviation or international tourism management? This Masters degree will equip you with the critical understanding and advanced research skills you need to work towards a managerial career in either of these growing service industries.

    This Masters course stands out for the specialist mix of subjects available to study, taught by our highly experienced team. Throughout the course, you will have opportunities to apply theory, including work on industry briefs, fieldwork and trips, and industry guest speakers.

    The coronavirus pandemic and other crises created challenges for the industry but also drove innovation and change across the sector. Join this Masters course and graduate in a strong position to be a part of the industry’s transformation.

    Extended Masters and Enhanced Extended Masters options

    If you have an undergraduate degree but do not meet the entry criteria for this course, you may qualify for our Extended Masters or Enhanced Extended Masters courses.

    These courses feature four specially designed modules which will improve your academic and English skills. Once completed you can progress directly onto the regular Masters course. See below for more information.

    This aviation and tourism management course aims to equip you with the academic and industry-specific skills that will help you find suitable employment within a service-based industry.

    You will be taught by an experienced team with backgrounds in tourism and/or aviation management. Many of our team members are extensively published and are asked to share their expertise at events and conferences throughout the world.

    You will adopt an interdisciplinary approach to the study of tourism and aviation management. By drawing upon international case study material you will improve your understanding of the global operations of both the tourism and aviation sectors.

    Our blended teaching and learning strategy makes use of lectures, tutorials, seminars, industry-based briefs, and self-managed personal research. Online learning support materials will be central to your studies. On this course you will be assessed through essays, reports, presentations, case studies, portfolios, audits, in-class tests, project plans, industry-based briefs, business games and workplace simulation, to name but a few.

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      1 year


      West London



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