
How To Write a Personal Statement / Statement of Purpose (SOP)?

What is a personal statement / statement of purpose (SOP)?

A personal statement is a form of an essay that you need to write while applying for admission to the university or for scholarship programs. Personal statements are a chance to express something about yourself and show that you are fit for a specific program.

However, writing a personal statement is a bit critical as this statement will explain why you are the perfect candidate for this program before considering a personal statement.

Why is the Statement of Purpose important?

An SOP is the decision-maker of a candidate’s application. It aids the admission committee in determining your outlook on life, professional objectives, beliefs, topic expertise, and ambition. In summary, a well-written SOP gives institutions a picture of your whole personality. It’s your chance to tell the committee why he/she is the best candidate for the course and why they should pick him/her above others. When you have a weak academic profile, an excellent SOP can help him/her compensate by outlining his/her future aims and desires. An engaging SOP also demonstrates how well you can communicate yourself through this statement.

What to write in an SOP?

Brainstorm First:

The very first thing you must do once you start to write your Personal Statement is Brainstorming.

There may be many experiences in your life but you must include only those experiences which are worth sharing and which define your capability and their goal. So, before writing the particular statement, you ought to pen down all of your important experiences, achievements and activities. Then, you will select those which are directly connected with the intended course. If you want then you can include a number of attributes that make them unique and provide a better position over others. Making a note of these ideas will facilitate deciding the way you would like to highlight these points.

Discuss in depth the following points-

Introduce Yourself

Don’t limit yourself with what you think you’re capable of, believe in yourself, and believe you’ve accomplished something significant. Mention that you are a unique individual with many unique qualities.

Write about your accomplishments, hobbies, job experience, volunteer work, future goals, and what interests you about attending this university.

Why you want to study UK?

For this particular section you need to focus on some points and elaborate them like-

>> Why overseas degree is important to you,

>> Business/career opportunities,

>> Offered various opportunities,

>> Lifestyle,

>> Compare the education system, tuition fees, scholarship opportunities, living expenses etc. with other countries.

What is the difference between education system in UK and your home country?

>> Theoretical (exam based) vs Practical (coursework, group work, case study, research based)

How you are uniquely suited or supremely qualified for your interested course?

>> Here, you need to brief discussion on how the course is related to his/her previous educational and professional qualification and work experience

>> Need to elaborate the course modules

>> Offered facilities for the interested course etc.

Why your interested university is best over other universities?

You need to compare other universities to his/her interested university, with categories like: Employability prospects, tuition fees, scholarship, academic facilities, other opportunities, rankings, accommodation, course and modules, location and campus life, etc.

How you will be able to achieve excellence

In this part you must not only write, but also express your enthusiasm. Only if you are passionate about something then only you can show it. The reader must sense that you are sincerely interested about the subject. As a result, it is important to convey in an exciting and convincing manner.

>> Mention the skills which the you will acquire and implement in your practical life

>> How the course and course modules will help you to achieve your future goal

>> If you want to setup your own business or like to join your family business so you need write a plan how you will be able to run your business and how this course will help you.

>> Or if you want to join any company / organisation then please mention 3-4 company names, job titles/positions you are interested to join after your studies.


** Course name and University name need to be written in full in the body of the SOP.

** If you have studied in the UK before, why do you want to study another Level 7 course and how the course is linked with your previous studies, and how it impacts your intended career plan.

Highly Important:

** You should completely avoid copy and paste/ plagiarizing other people’s work. Universities check through plagiarism detection software to ensure that ideas are unique. The application will be denied if the statement of purpose is copied. As a result, you should be creative in thinking and writing. Remember the admissions committee will evaluate you based on your talents, experiences, and interest in the program, not just your writing ability.

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